This years theme is ‘fighting for rights in the post-COVID era’. The International Day of People with Disabilities (IDPWD) should be used to recognize that people with disabilities are among the most affected by the COVID pandemic. It is important to remember that the risk of poor outcomes has been amplified by the reduced access to routine healthcare and rehabilitation services, as well as the increased level of social isolation.


IDPWD encourages people to push for meaningful investments into socioeconomic factors that will reduce barriers for persons with disabilities in every community.  

Our mission at Care Spaces is to provide people with disabilities practical and hygienic facilities. One of our many passions is creating Changing Places facilities. Our efforts to reduce hygiene risks in an era of pandemics make these facilities more vital than ever. Throughout our time in this industry, we have heard of carers and parents having to change their disabled children on public bathroom floors due to inadequate toilet facilities. Changing Places toilets include a hoist and a changing bench, as well as a height-adjustable basin so that every user can wash their hands effectively. In addition, these facilities have a range of other accessories which provide a safe and welcoming environment for persons with disabilities and their care assistants. 

As well as being important for hygiene reasons, these facilities are important for social inclusion. What did it feel like when you were able to come out of lockdown and finally go out and do your favourite things again? Imagine if you still weren’t able to do these things because you know that there will not be suitable facilities for you to go to the toilet. This is the reality for many disabled people in the UK. In fact, only 18 pubs and restaurants across the UK have a registered Changing Places toilet. Considering the days when our only freedom was to go for a daily walk, even this presents challenges for disabled individuals; only 5% of parks and open spaces have Changing Places toilets. The importance of these facilities cannot be overstated! Everyone should be able to use public facilities without compromising their health, wellbeing, or dignity. 

If you are thinking about how to make your facilities more inclusive, contact us today on 01634 949988 to speak to one of our experts.  

If you already have a project in mind, you can use our project upload form to receive advice and space planning as we add our technical knowhow to your expertise. We can draw and price the project for you, saving you time and ensuring a smooth installation with minimal hassle on site.