Accessible toileting facilities are a must for any public area and it’s more important than ever that everyone’s needs are catered for. Changing Places toilets enable anyone, regardless of their disability to plan and enjoy their trip out away from home. Modular Changing Places toilets are portable and adaptable units that can be quickly assembled and positioned where desired in a short space of time.

In this case study, we’ll be looking at a rapid-pace project undertaken earlier this year. The client, the Sussex Wildlife Trust got in touch to enquire about the possibility of installing a Changing Places at their location. A lack of free space inside the existing visitors centre and education centre meant that a modular unit was considered the most effective way to upgrade the current disabled toilet facilities. A Care Capsule™ modular Changing Places would create the accessibility needed, and would be located adjacent to the main building.

Our Care Capsule™ proves the ideal solution

A Care Capsule™ modular unit delivers an easy solution that can be placed where accessibility is most needed and best suited for the existing surroundings. The Care Capsule™ modular Changing Places unit is adaptable and scalable to meet the needs of any environment and as it is built off site, construction and delivery is far quicker than a Changing Places facility installed within pre-existing buildings.

The client got in touch in January 2023, explaining that they needed the unit in place by the end of March 2023. Despite the tight timeline, we were confident that we could deliver, and wasted no time in getting started. A site survey was completed the next day, and we provided a proposal for the capsule which was quickly accepted.

Successfully hoisted into place

Groundworks commenced to make the site ready to receive the capsule. This involved a combination of excavation, laying a concrete base and removing a power cable to allow the Care Capsule™ to be hoisted into place. Moving this power cable proved one of the greatest challenges of the build as due to regulations around crane lifting, it had to be taken down and then reconnected after the Capsule had been lifted into place. This did not affect the project pace and the team swiftly moved to finalising the installation.

To help ensure that the new Care Capsule™ remained faithful to the design of the surrounding buildings, the client asked for the outside to be clad in local chestnut timber. Other key design features included:

  • Altro non-slip vinyl flooring
  • White Rock welded wall finishes for easy cleaning
  • A Peninsular WC with drop-down grab rails
  • Height-adjustable units
  • A shower


Delivered ahead of Schedule

The completed Care Capsule™ was transported to site, lifted into position and connected to services to make it fully functional. It is now in the process of being registered onto the Changing Places map.

The client was delighted that, despite the short lead time, we were able to complete the build several days ahead of schedule.

Your Care Capsule™

The Care Spaces Care Capsule™ is available in a wide range of external and internal finishes to fit with your existing surroundings. Our team can introduce your logo, match your corporate colours or even include a feature wall.

Find out more today and get your Care Capsule™ delivered to your venue to your desired modular Changing Places toilet location. Call the Care Spaces team on 01634 949988.